The Future of Smart Products in Ocean Industries_Advanced Technology_News_Goertek

  • 尊龙凯时 - 人生就是搏!

    Advanced Technology

    The Future of Smart Products in Ocean Industries

    Publisher:Goertek   Issuing Time:2016-07-06   Source:Goertek  

    Depending on the nature of ocean economic activities, the ocean economy is divided into two types and three levels, the ocean industry is divided into ocean industry, research and education management services.

    In recent years, marine economy has become a powerful driving power for demostic economy development.

    Innovative technology products, such as robotics, drones and VR play an more important role in the marine economy, they are being widely applied to many areas: marine tourism, marine geological survey, marine environmental protection industry, etc.

    Marine development and research can be so difficult due to its special natural conditions. VR technology can also assist in the marine industry innovation and development, and it will be applied into the marine industry in the future.

